Link to the original- 100 — 1999 шт 5000$ per piece.
- 2000 — 50119 шт 4000$ per piece.
- 50120+ шт 3000$ per piece.
Inspection + photo report for $1.5.
We check the goods and take a photo report so you can make sure you get the right product without faults or damage
Delivery from China to Ukraine, Uzbekistan, European and African countries
Payable upon arrival at the warehouse in China
Returns are only possible while the item is in our warehouse in China. Once the goods have been dispatched from China, they cannot be returned
Photo and product description
2017夏季新款七彩灯光鞋 ,舒适透气板鞋,时尚百搭运动鞋~实体专卖店鞋子,拒绝地摊货几十元的品质对比~一分价格一分货,不会卖错只会买错!每个朋友都知道一双好点的运动鞋价格都不止卖100元,不用我说亲们也懂的,我们这款鞋子灯带成本都要几十元,加上制鞋工匠师工资最少150元,还有鞋子面料,鞋底等~成本算起来都不止100元~外面卖的几十元灯光鞋都是地摊货穿一次灯就不亮的!我家的鞋子质量保证!赠送运费险.订单险.支持15天无条件退换货.质量问题终身保修!不是每个卖家都能做到的哟!让亲们购物无忧~质量!质量!质量!重要的事情说三遍!!!需要鞋子质量好的亲们请到我家购买.